Letter targeting owner

NOTE; We obtained permission from the targeted owner to use this letter, provided we redacted personal information that could reveal their identity.

On March 20, 2024, the following email was sent from James Jamieson, the strata property manager for Copperstone (from Quay Pacific Property Management Ltd.) to an owner and purportedly BCC’d to the Copperstone strata council.

We came across the letter by random chance. The owner had dropped a printed copy of it outside Sapperton Hall on the evening of the AGM, March 25, 2024. Jeff was coming out of the hall and I thought it had fallen out of his jacket pocket, so I asked him to pick it up.

I have redacted any identifying information of the owner, apart from their profession, as it is needed to provide context to what Jamieson states.

A few points:

  • The owner did none of the things they are accused of.
  • There was only one owner behind the petition–Jeff.
  • We never attempted to gather proxy votes to manipulate results at the AGM.
  • The owner responded by filing a police report. Copies of that report were sent to Mr. Jamieson and the strata council president, after which the matter was dropped.

This is perhaps one of the most unprofessional pieces of correspondence I have ever read. Mr. Jamieson engages in bizarre random capitalization of words he seems to think are important, levels baseless accusations, cites no evidence and threatens legal action “from the strata management company” to the owner. Jamieson accuses the owner of defamation without offering what the alleged defamatory statements were, and claims the owner is peddling misleading information, again, with no evidence cited.

This is bullying and harassment worthy of a cartoon villain. If I were a manager (and I have hired, trained and worked with my own staff in the past) and found out an employee of mine had written something like this, I would have them fired.

Copperstone deserves better.

The letter is presented below, as two PNG files. The poor quality is due to the letter being a scan of an email, which was then printed and scanned again.

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Any threats made against the site by the strata management company on behalf of council will be referred to legal counsel.